Sunday, 15 May 2011

Tuesday 10th I was at Airdrie Spiritualist Church     .  This church has been running for 21-years and after meeting in Airdrie Town Hall for many years this church has settled in well to the Beech Bank Community Centre, Whinnhall, Airdrie.  The church is in the capable hands of Nan, Geraldine, Shona and Colin.  Geraldine is also an excellent medium
Wednesday evening it was a short trip to the Kilwinning Spiritualist Church       .  This church opened its doors 43-years ago and is always well attended.  Margaret Jamieson a medium / psychic researcher and Jean make everyone welcome. In the congregation on Wednesday evening were John Edgar and his wife Janette.  John is a well known medium who entered a Spiritualist Church for the first time half-a-century ago and has been taking services at our churches for over 45-years.   The Kilwinning Temple of Light Spiritualist Church Nethermains Community Centre Kilwinning Ayrshire
Even though there were heavy showers throughout most of Thursday there was a good turnout at the Langside Halls Spiritualist Church.  It is good to see President Anne Mccutcheon looking so well so soon after her operation.
It was a pleasure to be asked to be one of the mediums taking part in Kilmarnock Spiritualist Church’s Open Day, which raised £1315.55p for McMillan Nurses - Breast Cancer.  A lot of work goes into such days and we must not forget the hard work by the committee and those who did the baking.

Marie asks “Would you like to be involved in all this much earlier in your life?”
At one time I would have said “yes” but now I feel that I became aware of Spirit and Spiritualism at the right time in my life.  Most of the interests I had at that time all seemed to come to a sudden end so as several doors seemed to slam shut in my life, the light coming though a new open door beaconed me.    As I have mentioned in other parts of this web-site I went towards a Spiritualist Church for answers as to why I was able to see our little whippet Sherry a few hours after she had passed.  If I still had those other interests at that time I would have left with an explanation and not bothered to return. 
Alexander Graham Bell wrote; --
When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open up for us”
Looking back on my life I now can see that when so many doors closed, others opened, but on many occasions I was not aware of them.   Probably I was too attached to the past, comfortable and cosy with what I was used too, and that I was too busy moaning about what had gone, turning a blind eye to new opportunities. That gladly has passed and now I am hopefully aware of most opportunities that present themselves to me.  But with any opportunity one has the free-will whether to take it up or not.   I like to think that these days I ‘go with the flow’ in life.  Not forcing issues but sizing up what appears in front of me and take time to think if it for me or not.
Angies asked,
“In a few simple words tell me the difference between a Medium and a Psychic”.

All Mediums are psychic - but not all Psychics are mediumistic. Psychics, whether conscious of it or not, receive their information from the living vibrations of energy around them at earthly levels.  Where Mediums will unconsciously at first and later deliberately, link in too energies not of this vibration what we would call the Spirit World.
With talk of opening the case of Madeline McCann who went missing in Portugal in 2007 I hope the authorities decide to have a fresh look at the cases of Ben Needam, Genette Tate and all the other missing children that have not been found.  It is unthinkable to lose a child through illness or an accident but to have one’s child disappear and parents not know where they are, and what has happened to them, must be the worst thing that could happen to any parent. Also the other week there was the sad news that mother of Moors Murder victim Keith Bennett has revealed she may have just months to find out where her son is buried after she was diagnosed with cancer.  This poor soul has spent the best part of her life hoping that her son’s body will be found.   Lest hope that Mrs Winnie Johnson , Keith’s mother’s  prayers are answered, and soon.

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