Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Sunday the 22nd saw me travelling up the Falkirk and District Spiritualist Church at 8 Burnhead Lane, Falkirk FK1 4EW

This Church has been on the go since 1964 and certainly makes good use of its premises, as it can be in use the full 7 nights some weeks. There are three 3 public services each week, and one night of private sittings for Church Funds. The other evenings are used for development and awareness circles, plus some private events which take place fortnightly. The Falkirk and District Church is not short of home grown Mediums they have Joyce Wells, Abe Waddell, Ann Dibben, Jim Stevenson and  Martin Gilbert who are all excellent mediums.   Anne who is President has been studying hard over the past few years and has her SNU SD1, 2 and 4. She has just completed her SD3 and is waiting on the results. There are also two fledglings attached to the Church, Flo Back & Janette Harley. There is a lot of great support from Church members, there would have to be with the church opening its door so often. For example Isobel Stevenson has been a great help for many years - doing the raffle, and for a few years did all the catering for the church services. Former local Medium Mrs. Emily Manini and Mrs Zena McNaughton have worked hard for the Church over the years but don’t get along to too many services these days. We must not forget the dedicated group of Healers 6 qualified, 4 Trainees, and 2 new ones just arrived. We cannot mention the Falkirk Church without mentioning Alice Corner who has served the church in many roles throughout the years and is currently on the committee of the Scottish and Irish District Council. A really busy church which shines a bright light for Spiritualism. .
On Monday I was asked to give talk to a small history group and instead of talking on the history of Spiritualism I was asked to explain what Spiritualism is like today.  Not what I expected from such a group but they explained that they knew absolutely nothing about our religion and they would like to know the basics of Spiritualism in 2011 first and then they would like me to go back later in the year to talk on our religion’s history.  You may be thinking that was putting the cart before the horse but this group seemingly liked to know about the subject before going back to examine its roots.  I was more than comfortable with that because although I consider our history very important many people coming thorough our doors for the first time, or even the first few times, don’t want a history lesson but want an insight what maybe happing to a loved one that has just passed or they were wanting to know what they would encounter when they pass.  With my addresses I am always inspired by Spirit, never having made up a script before I stand up on the platform.  So Spirit usually gives out the right type of message for those in the congregation at that particular service.  We must not forget our history and try nor let the pioneers of Spiritualism down.

On Tuesday to the Cambuslang Spiritualist Church.  At one time when one heard the words “Cambuslang Spiritualist Church” we would think of Mary Hawthorn President of that church for many years and a well know medium in central Scotland.   Anne McCutcheon is now at the helm of this church... 

Thursday I was off to a busy Bellshill Christian Spiritualist Church. Where Rena Donaghey is President
Saturday I had the longest trip of the week as I headed south down the A76 to Dumfries and I always make three stops on the way down.

First at Kirkconnell and when the weather is good we go along some of the many walks and paths taking photos of the wildlife and flora that is abundant in that area. Then stopping miles further down the road at Sanquhar.  This small town has a very interesting museum and a Post Office that has been in constant use since 1712, and the sign above the door claims it is the oldest post office in the world.  The ruin of Sanquhar Castle lies at the edge of the town and running past the castle is the 212-mile Southern Upland Way.
A few miles down the road is one of my favourite towns in Scotland – Thornhill - with its tree lined Main Street.  It always surprises me that for such a small town it has as many shops selling quality goods.    Close to Thornhill is Dramlanrigg Castle which has a beautiful building and estate to explore

So anyone thinking of a day away this summer could do a lot worse that visit Kirkconnell, Sanquhar, Thornhill and Drumlanrig Castle.  But leave home early as there is a lot to take in, in this area.

Eventually I arrived at the Dumfries Spiritualist Church (SNU) in the Cumberland Day Centre in Cumberland Street.   This church has been going for over sixty years and the was the second church platform i ever stood on when with four other fledglings when the church was in Irish Street  Cilla was President for a good few years but last year when she moved abroad Kate McShane took over the role as President.  It is always a very busy church and that surprises many because the service is held on a Saturday evening.  Laura Montgomery a young medium from this church is now spreading her wings both north and south of the border and is accompanied by Joyce Wilson who gives the address.
I keep getting asked about where one goes to understand or improve their psychic abilities.  I believe I have mentioned before to go to a church that has an ‘open circle’ after a service.  This will let you see what it is all about.  You will be able to chat with both those sitting with you in the circle and members of the church committee. Then if you feel it is for you become a member of the church and ask to join in the next intake for the development circle.  Workshops are for later on and your church or a neighbour may provide appropriate workshops by visiting mediums. 

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