Wednesday, 13 June 2018

My Diary … Platform Dress Code … What Can I Do? … Betty Higginbottom's Spiritualist Church Experience … Your emails... Community, Spirit and our SNU Churches. By Miriam Farrell Fitzgerald …

                                                         My Diary.

25th – Coatbridge Spiritualist Church.
30th – Saltcoats Spiritualist Church.
May –
24th - Arbroath Spiritualist Centre.

A big thanks for all three churches for inviting me along to take their services.

                                                     Platform Dress Code.

Many older Spiritualists are becoming unhappy with the attire of those on our platform, the medium and chairperson.  JB emails, the rot is setting in.  It started slowly and as nothing has been said to those dropping the standard of the dress code soon it will be anything goes on our platforms”.

JB – here is the SNU Platform Dress Code; -

All platform is asked to remember that they are representatives of the church and the SNU.

For the men the ideal dress; A suit a shirt and a tie
Smart jacket, dress trousers, shirt and tie.
Shoes suitable for a formal occasion.
In extreme hot weather, with consent of the chairperson the jacket can be removed.

For women ideal dress;
A dress and jacket.
Smart trouser suit.
Smart two-piece outfit i.e. blouse and skirt/trousers which should be of a suitable length.
All fabrics should be of a density that is not transparent.
Suitable shoes, not sandals.
Jewellery should be kept to a minimum.

For chairperson;
Ditto as above.

The chairperson having the responsibility to ensure that professional standards are achieved and maintained during events, all being representative of the church and the SNU

 Yes. This is the SNU dress code and in my experience most independent churches and mediums have adhered to this code.  In recent years I have heard churchgoers say that the dress code is being neglected by some churches and mediums.  Mostly by men.  Surely it is not too much ask to keep to the above dress code and show a little respect for spirit, our religion and the church?  The chairperson is in charge but needs the full backing of the committee if they stop a medium going on the platform when they are not suitably dressed.

As I have said before the tail seems to be wagging the dog as far as Spiritualism is concerned.  The mediums do as they please and few committees will stop them in their tracks.

I know I am going to get a lot of feedback which I will put on my July blog.

                                                         What Can I Do?

How often have we said and heard others saying “I wish I could do something to help, but what can I do?”  This is when we are being distressed at a situation in the family, neighbourhood, nationally or internationally.  Well, we cannot meet with President Kim Jong un to try to get him to adhere to the Human Right convention, although I would like to try.  What we can do is use our talents abilities and interests to make life a bit more bearable for those less fortunate than ourselves.  We all have something that can benefit others. Even the briefest smile can mean so much to someone who is lonely or depressed.

However, we can go further and use our talents / gifts to help others get their foot back on the ladder of life.  For the past two years I have been framing my paintings/photographs and passing them on to charities and individuals.  Recently I have started a new venture.  Putting bedding plants in small toughs and baskets and giving them to those who need a little brightness in their lives. I have enjoyed doing this and at the same time hopefully have brightened up the lives of others.
Others I know do similar things to help others.  They included taking people out to a putting green or a round of pitch and putt. Having a monthly coffee morning for the vulnerable in the area where refreshments and entertainment is free.  A friend who takes his dog to visit those near him who are housebound.  Offering to do small DIY jobs for those who cannot afford a tradesman.  Dog walking for those owners who are not fit to get out.  Cutting lawns and pulling weeds for those who are not able to do this. Taking others for a day in the country or at the seaside.

And remember the old saying “Tall oaks from little acorns grow”.  In doing this it boosts our confidence in ourselves and opens up new horizons for us.  Those we have helped hopefully start to take control of their life again and many go on to help others.

                               Betty Higginbottom's Spiritualist Church Experience.

I once got told off by a 4-Year-old in Church, she had been warned not to talk when the Man was on the stage talking, Of course I got a message and every time I answered the Medium she GLARED at me lol After he finished (And all credit to him for keeping his face straight) she told me I was naughty cause I had spoken when the Man was on the Stage. LOL. 

                                                              Your emails...

“Tom, when my father died from cancer in the early 60’s a doctor said to me that cancer would be on the run. Give it another decade as by then we will have many drugs available to prevent and cure this sort of thing.  How wrong could anyone be?”.  LH

 “Our church has modern music with lyrics written by our members”. L

“It does not matter whether it is modern songs or hymns it is the MUSIC that raises the energy in our churches.  Singing without music is a no, no for me”. Bess.

“I agree flowers do bring back memories.  Most of my family has moved on.  On the date of their birthdays I always but a bunch of their favourite flowers.  Sitting in the lounge with the flowers in a vase, a candle burning and listening to soft music the memories of that loved on come flooding back”. Cory.


When we look back on the long and colourful history associated with our Religion we tend to do so with rose coloured glasses. Spiritualist churches were packed to capacity in the past and those in attendance participated actively in the services, as opposed to just coming to get a communication from Spirit discarnate, which seems to be the reason many attends today. However, “the past is a foreign country... as L.P. Hartley states...they do things differently there!” We certainly did things differently in our past because society was different.

One of the beautiful elements about our religion is its progressiveness. We have long prided ourselves on our progressive nature and its movement forward in keeping with the society we inhabit but sometimes we need to look back to know where we have come from and then seek the best path forward. Modern society today has shifted greatly through the advent of technology and the exposure of evidential mediumship to the media has pushed many in the drive toward the entertainment industry which can be devoid of belief and reverence in favour of economics and status. As such our churches have been lacking in those confident to deliver and discuss the value and need of our philosophy, over and above those who readily attend to develop their evidential mediumship.

Our principles which are displayed in our churches, stand as a testament to our progressiveness. As the world continues to spin and society continues to evolve we have entered into the paradox of our age, more technology to communicate but less conversation or interaction on an individual basis. This can result in feelings of isolation and alienation for individuals who find themselves in need of a space to sit, to think, to be and to belong.  Our churches therefore become a necessary safe place, a sanctuary for those who need to hear their own spirit and communicate with it without the chaos of the world around them, to what their heart, soul and spirit actually need to hear.

Our churches are therefore more in need today than ever because they are the locations where we can demonstrate our connection to each other, build upon our sense of community, they represent a beacon of hope in a very dark world. In this respect it is necessary we support our churches, that we expand our sense of community. That we welcome those from all walks of life without judgement. Our churches become the space to communicate with the Spirit within and build upon and nurture that Spirit before seeking validation from the Spirit discarnate. We have a wonderful legacy, let us build upon it, embrace it and carry it forward and let us do so in communion with our churches, our philosophy and our evidential mediumship so that each aspect of our religion is supported equally and let us do so with courage and pride but always with conviction.

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