Sunday, 7 January 2018

My Diary ... We Must Stop the Decline ... To Remember Me by Robert Test ... Bringing up a child the right way ...Lighting this Candle by Miriam Farrell Fitzgerald.

                                                               My Diary…


15th – 17th Glasgow Central Spiritualist Church SNU, 64 Berkeley Street, Glasgow, G3 7DS.  2017 is a special year for this church as in October it celebrated its 80th anniversary.
27thLargs Spiritualist. The Brisbane Centre, Bath Street, Largs, KA30 8BL. (Sunday 2.30pm). The only Spiritualist Church that I know of in Scotland that has a Sunday afternoon Divine service.
31stA short journey to the Free Spirit Spiritualist Church. The Masonic Hall, London RoadKilmarnock.

12th – It is always a pleasure to serve the Ayr Spiritualist Church. 10 Alloway Place, Ayr, KA7 2AA
14thFalkirk and District Spiritualist Church SNU, 8 Burnhead Lane, East High Street, Falkirk, FK1 1UG.  A church that has been opening its doors to the people of Falkirk and district for over 50 years.

26th  - Taking the service at the Glasgow Association of Spiritualists SNU.

27th - Saltcoats Spiritualist Church, Argyll Community Centre, Campbell Ave, Saltcoats KA21 5AG.  This is one of the first churches I served after coming out of development circles and a church that I have always found to be busy


4th Taking the service at the Glasgow Association of Spiritualists SNU.

10th - Kilmarnock Spiritualist, Church SNU. 30 Old Mill Road, Kilmarnock KA13AW. A short journey for my last service of the year.  And another church that celebrated its 80th  anniversary last month.

                                                        We Must Stop the Decline. 

Spiritualist churches are on decline in the UK as far as numbers are concerned.  We are now suffering the same fate of what other religions have been suffering for many years.  I find that what is more concerning is the decline in numbers attending our churches this year more than ever.  Yet, a recent survey showed that as each year passes more and more people are accepting life after death and that there can be communication between our two dimensions.

I emailed several Spiritualist who have been part of our movement for many years asking them why they think congregations are falling away – and here are their replies; -
“Workshops, no matter the cost we usually reach maximum numbers, but bums on seats at our services are few”.  If those who attended the other events we put on came to our Divine Services we would be full to capacity”.

“Once one has proof of life after death there is no need to return on a regular basis.  I know of those who only attend our church at a loved one’s birthday or around the Festive Season”.

“Many look on our churches today as places of learning so they can go off and make financial gain from what they have learned”.

“As far as the SNU is concerned they have more award holders than they ever have had yet how many attend our churches on a regular basis?”

“Why attend a church where time is taken up by prayers, hymns and an address when you can go down the road and get wall-to-wall clairvoyance at a pub or club?  That is the mindset of so many these days”

“Personally, the lack of good mediums put many off”.

On speaking to several Spiritualists and working mediums the main comment I got was 
Everywhere I attend it is always busy”.  That may be so, but when you split the venues down to charity nights, cabaret evenings, churches (?) which do not have a Divine services and churches which do have a Divine service, the latter is where there is the decline in numbers.   We must do all we can to protect our Divine Services.

                                          To Remember Me by Robert Test

At a certain moment a doctor will determine that my brain has ceased to function and that, for all intents and purposes, my life has stopped.

When that happens, do not attempt to instill artificial life into my body by the use of a machine. And don't call this my 'deathbed.' Call it my 'bed of life,' and let my body be taken from it to help others lead fuller lives.

Give my sight to a man who has never seen a sunrise, a baby's face or love in the eyes of a woman.

Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain.

Give my blood to the teenager who has been pulled from the wreckage of his car, so that he might live to see his grandchildren play.

Give my kidneys to one who depends on a machine to exist from week to week.

Take my bones, every muscle, every fibre and nerve in my body and find a way to make a crippled child walk.

Explore every corner of my brain. Take my cells, if necessary, and let them grow so that someday a speechless boy will shout at the crack of a bat and a deaf girl will hear the sound of rain against her windows.

Burn what is left of me and scatter the ashes to the winds to help the flowers grow.

If you must bury something, let it be my faults, my weaknesses and all my prejudice against my fellow man.

Give my soul to God. If by chance you wish to remember me, do it with a kind deed or word to someone who needs you. If you do all I have asked, I will live forever.

Walking along a street were there were several people begging, one stood out an old gentleman.  He looked so sad and as I put my hand in my pocket to put some coins in his polystyrene cup a little girl got between myself and the old gentleman.  She handed the old soul a £5 note and an envelope.  The old man thanked the little lass and as he opened the envelope to reveal a Christmas card the look on his face was amazing.  That card probably the only one he would get this Christmas mean more to him that the money.  As the little lass and her dad walked away the left an old soul sitting on the pavement with tears in his eyes and almost certainly feeling more like a human being than he did a few minutes before.  Small acts of kindness like this can mean so much to those who have fallen on hard times.

                                              Bringing up a child the right way

Walking along a street were there were several people begging, one stood out an old gentleman.  He looked so sad and as I put my hand in my pocket to put some coins in his polystyrene cup a little girl got between myself and the old gentleman.  She handed the old soul a £5 note and an envelope.  The old man thanked the little lass and as he opened the envelope to reveal a Christmas card the look on his face was amazing.  That card probably the only one he would get this Christmas mean more to him that the money.  As the little lass and her dad walked away the left an old soul sitting on the pavement with tears in his eyes and almost certainly feeling more like a human being than he did a few minutes before.  Small acts of kindness like this can mean so much to those who have fallen on hard times.

                                                 Lighting this candle

Lighting this candle to send some love to the world...this time of year as the material and consumer hype ramps up, we really need to take stock of the things we have that money cannot buy! This is a process we have consciously embraced in our home these past few years as we remind ourselves consciously of the importance of love and values without a price tag. In the last few weeks I have heard of and know of so many people grieving. So many troubled terminal illnesses so many who have lost loved ones recently, many over the past few years who's passing seems more keenly felt at this time of year. Christmas in this country is extremely family orientated and the physical absence of loved ones is extremely difficult to bear let alone to watch someone we love suffer. In addition it appears whatever shift is occurring in the world is affecting workplaces, relationships, families and communities at a collective and individual level....please know if you are reading this and are feeling disorientated please know that you are not represent are the reason someone smiles may never know the impact you have on those around you....and just as this candle represents light so do you however, small that flame may be... the world needs your light... reach out....this lifetime is fleeting and we need to support those struggling in whatever capacity possible...send a text...make a call...lend an ear...a hand...a smile...listen and hold the someone's light and guide them home... above all shine... however small because you matter ....I ask all my healing friends to light a candle to support all those who need that guidance ....and should anyone need to talk remember I am only a text/call away xxx

Miriam Farrell Fitzgerald/

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