Wednesday, 24 May 2017

My Diary - Minister Irene McGilivray. - Comparing Spiritualism’s Seven Principles, The Bible’s Ten Commandments and The Ten Native American Commandments - Assisted Suicide - A comment from William McFadzean Spiritualist Medium CSNU the morning after the Manchester bombing - Samantha Dean's Comments on Spiritualism…

                                                                   My Diary 


19th –A short journey to serve Kilmarnock Spiritualist Church (SNU)

28th ASK Cumbernauld.

30th – The Pyramid Church, Pollock.


5th – I take another class on “Understanding Your Psychic Abilities” at the Glasgow Association (SNU)

9th – It is always a pleasure to serve the Ayr Spiritualist Centre.

10th – My longest distance traveling to churches these days and I received – as usual – a great Highland welcome at the Inverness Spiritualist Church (SNU).

19th - “Your Spiritual Experiences and Discussion at the Glasgow Association.

                                          Minister Irene McGilivray 

It was an honour for Isobel and I to be invited to the ordination service of What a wonderful and moving service with almost every seat taken at the Glasgow Association.  Not only with Spiritualists, but representatives of other religions in attendance. We all should take heart after that service and be proud of our religion, a religion may have been flagging a little bit recently

What a wonderful moving service at the Glasgow Association yesterday – the ordination of Irene McGillivray, now Minister Irene McGillivray. Two-hundred attended the service and that include not only Spiritualists, Irene’s friends, but also dignitaries of other religions. All Spiritualists attending should take heart from the service and move forward with pride.  Showing everyone that Spiritualism is a recognised religion and has nothing to do with entertainment or financial gain.

Minister Irene McGillivray is a great inspiration to us all. Seven years of hard studying and still finding time to help others gain knowledge of Spiritualism and be caring and compassionate to all who crossed her path.
We should now strive to make friends with those in the other religions that attended the service.

Comparing Spiritualism’s Seven Principles, The Bible’s Ten Commandments and The Ten Native American Commandments

Spiritualism’s Seven Principles...

1.       The Fatherhood of God.
2.       The Brotherhood of Man.
3.       The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels.
4.       The Continuous Existence of the Human Soul.
5.       Personal Responsibility.
6.       Compensation and Retribution Hereafter for all the Good and Evil Deeds done on Earth.
7.       Eternal Progress Open to every Human Soul

 The Ten Native American Commandments
1. Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect.
2. Remain close to the Great Spirit, in all that you do.
3. Show great respect for your fellow beings.
(Especially Respect yourself)
4. Work together for the benefit of all Mankind.
5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
6. Do what you know to be right.
(But be careful not to fall into self-righteousness)
7. Look after the wellbeing of mind and body.
8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
(Especially be truthful and honest with yourself)
10. Take full responsibility for your actions


The Bible’s Ten Commandments...
1. Do not have any other gods before me.
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain.
3. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
4. Honour your father and your mother.
5. You shall not kill
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not steal.
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
9. You shall not covet your neighbour's wife.
10. You shall not covet your neighbour's goods.
 The - “You shall not” is repeated seven times in the Bible’s Ten Commandments appears to be harsh and dictatorial to me.  The Seven Principles rather than talking down to the individual is putting more emphasis on the individual taking personal responsibility for their actions.  But – the best one of all for me is The Ten Native American Commandments.  It covers more than the Spiritualist Seven Principles making us aware of our planet and all that lives on it

                                                       Assisted Suicide...

I saw this comment on Facebook - “An assisted dying law would not result in more people dying, but in fewer people suffering”. I totally agree with this.  With the right structures and laws in place it would mean that few would suffer mentally and physically before they pass over.

Many from other religions tell me that “Life is for God to give and only for God to take back”.  OK – but - has God not given man the ability to cure or hold off the severity of many diseases?  Many people are alive today because of medical intervention so mankind has interfered with nature.  So, when the pain becomes so severe, the body does not function properly, or an active mind is trapped in a body that will not respond, surely the patient can request to end their suffering.  Bar from  intervention by the medical profession may would have breathed their last many years before.  So, if we can interfere with keeping them alive we surely can  assist the patient to pass over if they request it.

I ask those who are strongly against ‘assisted suicide’ - What right have you to make another suffer especially those who do not believe as you do?  What right do you have to enforce your beliefs on them?  Many are quick to reply that doctors will give them medication to take the pain away.  Then, when I ask what about when medication does not take the pain?  What about when  the anguish of an active  mind when someone is trapped in a body that will not function?  Usually when I ask those questions those in front of me go silent and their eyes dull. This is something they have not thought about before, they have accepted their religions/teacher’s stance and went on with their life.  Not thinking deep into the issue or questioning those who preach to them.

Politicians must look deeply into this issue and not be swayed by the religious lobby.  
They should make a decision on what is right for those suffering and they must not be influenced in any way by any religion.  We are sensible enough to put a structure in place that will not see patients discarded because their family do not want them or they are costing the NHS too much.  I have little faith in the politician taking the step to allow ‘Assisted Suicide’ I feel the only way this will come to pass in the near future is for a referendum and let the people decide.

A comment from William McFadzean Spiritualist Medium CSNU  the morning after the Manchester bombing.

This morning I feel we should all take a moment to truly think about who and what we have in our lives and hearts. As last night’s cowardly attack shows we never know the moment it can all end or be taken away. To harm innocent children in particular is despicable. Do not give in to hate though as that means they win and we empower the attackers. Perhaps a minutes silence or a mass Prayer, something positive to show we will not be beaten. My heart goes out to all of the families and people involved. God Bless them all. Xxxx

William has made an interesting comment “Perhaps a minute’s silence or a mass Prayer, something positive to show we will not be beaten”.  A minute’s silence or a mass prayer by all peoples and all religions around the world could halt the evil that is encompassing our planet at the moment and get it to retreat.  We will never conquer evil, but hopefully we can stop it running riot as it is at this moment in time.

                                   Samantha Dean's Comments on Spiritualism 

The people I often worry for is the people just starting out in then movement. I've only been part of it really for about 4 years and I think I've seen most of the ugly side in that time. There's so much beauty in spiritualism, but unfortunately the human side has been allowed to override it and spirit I fear has been forgotten over ego's, money and jealousy. We will continue to do our best to prove that not every Spiritualist is like this to our congregation. We don't put a penny in our back pockets, we open the church every week with the hopes of nothing in return except to see the smiles on people's faces when they hear from their loved ones in spirit.. We laugh together, cry together and we build each other up as a whole church and we are very blessed to say the least because of it. It's what we stand for and what we will always stand for.. we just want to be left in peace to be able to do it as we choose too x

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