My Diary /
22nd – I always enjoy my visit to Inverness Spiritual Church (SNU) Great enthusiasm in Scotland’s most northerly city as far as spiritualism is concerned.
28th - Glasgow Central Spiritual Church. (SNU)
29th - Glasgow Central Spiritual Church. (SNU)
1st - Glasgow Central Spiritual Church. (SNU)
6th - The Love and Friendship Spiritualist Church, The Couper Institute, Glasgow. G44 3DA. A busy church which puts a lot of time into education and training. In the past year this has paid off as several of the members are now taking services at other churches around Scotland. President Maureen Winser and Karen Speake have taken time with those in their development circle, not rushing them but letting them matures in their own natural way.
10th – The Pyramid Spiritualist Church, Leithlands Neighbourhood Centre Kempsthorn Road Pollock Glasgow G53 5SU – A small church that is well supported by the local community.
15th - ASK Cumbernauld – One of the busiest Spiritualist churches in Scotland.
22nd – A short journey to The Free Spirit Spiritualist Church, 22 London Road,Kilmarnock.
26th – Falkirk Spiritualist Church (SNU) Burnhead Lane, Falkirk, FK1 1UG. This church has been serving spiritualism in Falkirk for over fifty-years.
28th – Again my second visit to Kilmarnock in less than a week. This time to The Kilmarnock Spiritualist Church (SNU) Old Mill Road, Kilmarnock,
Don’t Leave Our Mediums In The North Out in the Cold.
February saw me travelling north east to take the service at Inverness Spiritualist Church. (SNU) This is a journey I always enjoy for the scenery and for the great Highland welcome and enthusiasm from the committee and members of the church. In the fourteen years I have been travelling to this church the enthusiasm has not waned in the slightest, in fact it has got stronger. This is down to the Inverness committee putting in place a lot into good development and training in clairvoyance, healing and knowledge of spiritualism.
Unfortunately, those who eventually end up on the platform have very limited opportunities as there are few churches in the north. The Spiritualist churches up north have regularly brought mediums up from the central belt to serve their churches, they’ve had too. But now that there are good mediums coming to the fore in the north they are not getting the chance to serve our churches further south. In the central belt we have mediums from Northern Ireland and England taking services and workshops, so why not from the Highlands of Scotland? Many may answer “The cost”. But surely that does not wash as churches in the north have been bringing mediums from the south to their churches for decades. I have mentioned Inverness but we should not forget the Aberdeen area also.
Our Seven Principles Suggest As Individuals We Get Involved.
I have often commented that I look on Spiritualism as a quiet religion. Unlike other religions we don’t; - Get involved in politics... Criticise certain groups of people... Tell our members that they will not get into the Spirit World if they don’t attend out churches every week... Nor do we hand out leaflets at street corners or put them through letterboxes.
But although our religion does not get involved in such matters I feel that we as individuals have a duty to get involved in situations where we feel there is injustice. If we feel we are being guided to a wrongdoing especially to another human being, an animal or the environment. After a little research, to see if we have got the facts right then we should complain to the appropriate authorities. Remember reading about an incident in a newspaper is not always an accurate version of what has happened. These days’ newspapers often do not take time to give all sides of the argument or the management may have their own agenda.
If we eventually feel that it is right to do so, a letter /email to the appropriate place can work wonders, especially when a vast number take the time to voice their complaint also. The old saying “The pen is mightier than the sword” is spot on, Far more powerful than a march as often this can be hijacked by those wishing to cause trouble and in doing so they ruin the cause.
I believe that our Seven Principles point us in the direction that I have mentioned above. Not for the hierarchy of our Spiritual associations to stand up and complain, but for each individual to do so when they feel it is necessary.
1 - The Fatherhood of God - We recognise that there is a creative force in the universe. This force did not only created the universe which this planet is part, but all forms of life on this planet. All forms of life which interacts with each other to make life as we know it possible.
2 – The Brotherhood of Man - Because we all come from the same universal life source we are, in effect, one large family. . This means that all mankind is part of a brotherhood and we have a responsibility in supporting our brothers and sisters wherever they are on this planet. Remember, countries and borders are man-made.
3 - Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels - All religions believe in life after death, but only Spiritualism shows that to be true by demonstrating that communication with departed spirits can and does take place. There are spirit people who are dedicated to the welfare and service of all mankind. This is where I believe the guidance comes from to look at a particular situation. And if we decided it is right to do so, make our concern known.
4 - Continuous Existence of the Human Soul.
5 - Personal Responsibility - This principle not only places responsibility on us all for our wrongful thoughts and deeds. It also means we should not stand back doing and saying nothing when we are aware of an injustice to others. Not putting ourselves or our families in the firing line, but as I have already said, an email letter can do so much.
6 - Compensation and Retribution hereafter for all Good and Evil Deeds done on Earth. Personally I feel it is a cop-out when Spiritualists say “Leave it – they (wrongdoers) will have to answer for their bad deeds when they move over to the Spirit World. We have to police our own dimension and keep the vulnerable safe.
7 - Eternal Progress open to every Human Soul – Taking time to care for others and make you point of view know will stand us in good stead for the new part of our eternal life when the time comes.
An email from EDC “Tom, you comment on hearing others say that numbers at our services are dropping, but you do not notice it to be as bad as many say. With my work I travel the country and try at least once a week to drop into the nearest spiritualist church. I do notice less bums on seats than I did a few years ago. Like you I believe the biggest danger to spiritualism is from within and I saw a comment the other day which I feel fits the loss in numbers. “When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower."
SPOT ON EDC. I have been a little naive in only looking at Scotland as far as attendances are concerned and not that I look further afield I see UK wide there is a big problem. We need to concentrate from within before it is too late. In fact a lady said to me the other day “It is too late for Spiritualism”. I don’t necessarily agree with that, but time is running out.... fast...
Tracy Norton also sees the danger.
It has saddened me recently to see how some of our churches are struggling to manage with sparse committees and only a few volunteers to keep things running. As a result our beautiful churches are having to close their doors - many shutting on Easter Sunday, and another church we visit cancelling Sunday services due to lack of interest. This is devastating for our religion. I can't help but think that people nowadays don't value the roles the Churches play - they see the numerous roles within the church as being menial and unimportant - but without the Churches where would we mediums be?
When I first became interested in spiritualism over 20 years ago, people were honoured to play a part within the Church however menial - from making the tea, to chairing. Nowadays people are using the Churches rather than giving to them - using them for messages, using them for the training and development, but giving nothing back. The perception is that mediumship is the goal - people are seeking glory rather than a life of service. So if any of you have any time to spare - please remember that all the jobs for the spirit world are important. We don't want our beautiful religion to flounder due to the lack of volunteers. I have written the poem below to help us think about this. A life of Service
Could you be of service?
Is there something you could do?
There’s no need to be nervous,
We need people like you.
People who have time to spare
To help our church stay open
People who are willing to share
Their love and their devotion
So much goes on behind the scenes
and our hearts are always glad
and our hearts are always glad
When someone who is really keen
Offers to lend a helping hand
There’s more to spiritualism you see
than just being a medium
than just being a medium
We need folks like you and me
to keep our church doors open
There’s a role for each of us you see
within our beautiful religion
and if no-one worked behind the scenes
there would be no spiritualism
within our beautiful religion
and if no-one worked behind the scenes
there would be no spiritualism
So think carefully what you can do
With love and dedication
knowing that your heart is true
and free from egotism.
With love and dedication
knowing that your heart is true
and free from egotism.
Offer yourself in service
to spirit and all mankind
working behind the scenes
there are many ways to shine
to spirit and all mankind
working behind the scenes
there are many ways to shine
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