Sorry my blog has been much longer this time in being updated. From now on I will get back to the 3 ½ weeks
that was usual in the past. And thanks everyone
who emailed asking if I was OK because of the delay. My mother-in-law passed to Spirit and I have
had flu symptoms for over a month but hopefully all is now running smoothly.
*** Please note my new mobile number is 07729993130 ***
...My Diary...
11th – My first service of the year at the Friendship
of love and Light Spiritual Church, Foxbar, Paisley...
- The Stirling Spiritualist
– A little further north this time to the Perth Spiritualist Church...(SNU)
– I was much closer to home at the Pyramid Spiritualist Church, Pollock...
– Is is always a pleasure to take the Divine Service at Kilmarnock Spiritualist
Church. (SNU)
– I had a busy day at the Edinburgh College of Parapsychology
with a demonstration of Clairvoyance and private sittings...
10th – ASK Neilston...
15th – 17th – Glasgow
Central Spiritualist Church, Berkley Street, Glasgow. (SNU)
18th – Prestwick Spiritualist Church.
... Become a Member
and Have Your Say...
All members can have a vote and their say at these meeting. No use sitting in the church after a service
and moaning over a cup of tea as this lowers the good vibes in the church and
causes a lot of resentment. . Become a
member and you become an important part of the church. Any complaint, praise or suggestion you can
mention to a committee member, or better still write a letter to the
committee. I know at the church where I
am a member – The Glasgow Association of Spiritualists - all letters received
by the committee are fully discussed.
As far as the SNU is concerned become an Individual Member and you can attend
the District Council’s AGM and again have your say. If you are not happy with your answers you
can also write to the National Executive Council (NEC) at Stanstead. Although I am a SNU Individual member I am
not happy with all the rules and regulations.
On many occasions I have written or emailed members of the NEC. On all occasions I have impressed by the swift
and detailed replies. Judith Seaman
deserves special mention for this.
But vote sensibly; ask Spirit for a little guidance and that goes for
those on committees as well.
Cashing In On Grief?
We Spiritualists know that we move on to a new life
when we leave this physical body. The physical
remains are usually disposed off with the wishes of the individual or the
family, burial, left to medical science or a cremation. Recently I have been shocked to find out that
businesses have been built around human ashes after a cremation.
The remains of your loved one being used to nourish
a young sapling as it grows in a Memorial Tree Urn.
In Helium Balloons - remains placed inside a helium
balloon that floats up into the atmosphere. The balloon travels to a height of
5 miles where at the temperature of -40 below zero – it crystallizes and
bursts, scattering the ashes to the four winds.
Also as …a Coral Reef…….. An Hour Glass… a Diamond…….. Mixed in Paint
and used in for a portrait of the deceased…In Teddy Bear…….. A Pencil… Hand
Blown Glass... Put into a Vinyl Record… Tattoo ink....Stained Glass….. Memorial
Jewelry…. Glass Paperweight….
All to their own but I must admit I personally I
find apart from the tree, the rest is gruesome.
I hope that big business is not going to target grieving families making
them feel that they have to do something like this in memory of a loved one
that has passed. Many families find it
hard with the cost of the funeral cremation without this added extra. I remember at one time many felt that
although they loved a family member it was putting a strain on those left to
have a headstone to add to the funeral cost.
So the cremation became more popular.
Then many felt that there was no recognition of those who had passed
away so ‘remembrance books’ and planting a flower or a rose bush at the
crematoriums came into play. Now this is
again the moving on in remembrance of those who have been cremated.
A situation around
me gave my guide the reason to speak out re this lesson; the lesson involved is
word is so often used with ease, but just how easy is it to live it daily.
under estimate the emotional content in our relationships--, we feel hurt,
anger and Can be overwhelmed by resentment as situations challenge
US... Yes we are tested to show unconditional love and
overlook and perhaps forgive those that “ROCK OUR BOAT’ so to speak.
Can we really say
unconditional love is present all the time or just when it suits us? ????
As we get older we
realize that we all make mistakes. Do we love our friends any less
because of this mistake or error of judgement? Sadly we often
do, we judge them for it, we think a little less of them and sometimes we allow
it to ruin a good friendship or relationship. What happens to
all that unconditional love we profess to have for them??? Can
we not open our hearts to them and offer our love unconditionally?
Moira McMillan
Spiritualist Medium
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