Thursday, 28 March 2013

Monday Night is Fledglings Night...“2013 – A Crucial Year for Spiritualism” Debate Still Goes On and On...... Glasgow's Spiritual Museum...

23rd – February... There was a good turnout for my workshop at the Glasgow Association of Spiritualists.  Workshop-1 was starting off from the basics, something that I feel is neglected today.  Even many development circles these days seem to start off from the first senior school level and those taking part have missed out on nursery and primary school

24th – I was over in the Kingdom of Fife to  ASK Dunfermline A.S.K. is a non denominational organisation, which promotes Spiritualism through Divine Services every Sunday, Demonstrations of Mediumship, Spiritual Healing, Private Consultations,(readings), having regular Workshops and Open Days for the public.  Recently one of ASK’s co-founder members Helen McArthur made the transition to the higher side of life

26th –I attended the Free Spirit Spiritualist Church,  Kilmarnock...
27th – Paisley Spiritualist Church, Glenburn Community Centre....
8th – 12th March I had a busy few days at the Glasgow Association of Spirituists. 

During my days at the Glasgow Association I was tempted so often as a mountain of Easter eggs grew higher and higher in the church.  The eggs are being donated by churchgoers to a Children’s Charity.  The church also hosted a night of clairvoyance with Nita Saunders on the Platform and a donation was given to this charity. 


The committee of the Glasgow Association of Spiritualists have decided that after the service on Monday evenings to let their fledglings (developing mediums) on to the platform to gain valuable experience.  After I took the Monday evening service I nipped downstairs for a cup of tea and changed my mind about not going back up to watch the fledglings.  My original decision not to go was based on when I was at the fledgling stage.  I found it so stressful to go on the platform as it was - but if the medium had stayed behind for the fledgling’s participation - then I found it almost impossible to put a foot on the platform.  So my first decision not to attend was to save the two fledglings any more stress than they would normal have.  But the two on that evening Elaine Claire O’Neil and Kay Baxter were not as sensitive as I was at that stage in my development.  They gave really good evidence.  Good training, dedication, patience and the opportunity to take part in such an evening is all part and parcel of the development of a good Spiritual Medium.  I really enjoyed the second part of the evening and if I am close to Somerset Place on a Monday evening I will make sure I drop in.  Why not go along also and see the Mediums of the future developing on a Monday evening.

I was going to move on to other comments made about my “2013 – A Crucial Year for Spiritualism” but here are three comments to end the Spiritualism is earning that label of entertainment rather than religion.  I have tried to balance showing both sides of the argument and a neutral comment.
? Emails – “Spiritualism became entertainment when tutors at our colleges, churches, and circle leaders forgot that they should be working in harmony with Spirit for the betterment of all mankind.  What we are trying to develop is a gift and a privilege that we should not abuse.  There are a lot of actors (I am not prepared to demean true Mediums by giving these people the “M” title) who discover if they put on a show that is what the enlightened people want, it would reflect on themselves rather than Spirit.  They only want to hear that their loved one is OK nothing else.  The actors only want their egos polished and money as new people coming in do not know any better.    The best Mediums of MODERN Spiritualism were the ones from the older era of the lower classes or the uneducated...  Why?  Because they could not pull the wool over people’s eyes as they believed that they were of lesser value to the social elite and that kept their egos in check.  They understood that they were there to aid and assist NOT to demand anything.  All religions are suffering from actors”’

Now from Daisy –
Tom you are a dinosaur and if Spiritualism listens to you it will disappear like those large creatures.  Orthodox religion is on the wane because like you it will not change, it will not come into the modern world.  In fact we should stop using the words “Church” and “Religion” when communicating with those who have moved on from the Earth Plane. I read an article that you wrote comparing dying with emigrating to another part of Planet Earth.  We can communicate with those who have moved to America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the likes without ‘religion’ or ‘churches’.  So should we not open up the Spirit World to all?  Surely it does not matter whether it is a pub, club or in the open air.  Let those who have this gift be free to communicate to the whole of society without you trying to shackle them.  Tom I know you will not put this up on your website but I have to send it just the same”.

And now “H” steps in to the affray like a blue helmeted UN peacekeeper...
“There is no need for conflict but I agree a line should be drawn between those who are on the side of religion and those who look to use their gifts in other ways.  A medium usually does not ask a church to put them on their platform they certainly did not in the past.  So each church has the power to select who they want on their platform.  Should churches not give their blessing to those who wish to go down the entertainment and financial path their blessing but not allow them on the platform of their church.  It is then up to the medium to decide what path they take”.  So simple...

Three different side of the argument...  My own thoughts are more in line with”?” I also agree with “H” it could be simple to sort out if personal responsibility and common sense prevailed.  Daisy – why did you think I would not put your comments on this site?  I look on this as a serious issue and all sides of the argument have to be heard if we are going to sort it out.


Glasgow has many museums and one that few may know about, will be of interest to readers of this site. The Glasgow Association of Spiritualist, Church Museum. 6/7 Somerset Place, Glasgow,
The museum was instigated by the discovery of photographs of Spirit extras, which also coincided with the celebration of Glasgow Association of Spiritualist 140 years. A number of committee members then worked together and created the museum as you see it today.

Many of the items on display at the museum were donated by Minister James Biggin, Mr George Biggin and his wife Irene. The Association are grateful to them for their generosity which will allow future generations of Spiritualists to see some of the wonderful experiences that had occurred.

With donations from kind people, the Church Museum reached its present excellent state of presentation.

A personal visit to the museum is very much worthwhile in order to appreciate some of the history of modern spiritualism. 

The museum is open before and after services which are; -

Sundays - 11.30am and 6.30pm
Mondays - 7.30pm

Tuesdays - 2.00pm

There is also; -

 Private Readings are available as follows and can be booked at the office.

  • Saturdays (six readings) starting at 10.00 am.
  • Mondays (eight readings) starting at 10.30 am.
  • Tuesdays (four readings) starting at 10.30 am.

And our Healing Centre runs on:

Tuesdays from 12.30pm till 1.30pm

Saturdays from 10.00am till 11.30am

The Awareness Group is held every Friday at 7.30pm (doors close at 7.25pm prompt)
This is a general development / awareness group which is taken either by the visiting medium, or by a member of the Church.
Content varies from talks to practical sessions, but one thing remains constant - everyone is very friendly, so don't be afraid to come and join in!
The cost for this is £3 and includes a cup of
tea or coffee.

So if you are visiting Glasgow why not take in the museum and a service.

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