Tuesday 3 January 2012

My Hopes for Spiritualism in 2012 ...My Hopes for the Wider World in 2012... Website One-Year-Old… Kirsty’s comments for the year ahead… Careless Talk Causes So Much Distress… Wise words from Professor Carl Sagan…

Both Isobel and I wish everyone good health and happiness for 2012...


My Hopes for Spiritualism in 2012; -

That Spiritualist organizations and churches stands to thwart the entertainment and celebrity elements that are encroaching on our religion.
I don’t hear in 2012 “We are dropping the address as most people only attend for the clairvoyance”.
That our churches and spiritualist mediums pay more attention to the pastoral side of our religion.
And hopefully I will not hear in the coming year someone say in a Spiritualist Church “I am only a Healer”... Forget the word “only” we are all equal...


My Hopes for the Wider World in 2012; -

The authorities think more about the rights of the victim before the rights of the criminal...
Any honors handed out this year to go to care workers and those who work in hospices, forget those of stage, screen, music industry and sport.
Sentencing for those ill-treating animals to be increased.
Unemployment to drop dramatically.
Retail workers will not have to work on public holidays.
More is done to help the homeless.
That the dark clouds of oppression that have hung ever heavy over the
peoples of Tibet, Burma, and North Korea for decades start to lift.

Website One-Year-Old…
This website has now been online for a year and has had over 1,400 hits, much more than I expected in the first year.  Part of the site goes out in different formats each month so that will increase numbers even more.  But numbers are not important, if the site has helped only a few understand “Spiritualism the Religion” that little bit better then it will have achieved its aim.
I have also been surprised at the number of people that have contacted me via the site and for many different reasons.  Some of these I have commented on regularly on my blog but others I have got back to privately. 
There have been those who have had spiritual experiences but because of the laws of their country they could not speak openly to family and friends about what they have witnessed.    Not only that, they decided not to seek help on the Internet when they were at home, but waited till they were abroad on holiday or business before searching the Internet for answers.
Some have been interested in what they call ‘my unusual choice of music’ to use for meditation and ask if I can suggest any other similar music.  Remember we all have our own personal key to relax our mind so we can meditate, what helps one will not help another.  I suggest that if music helps experiment yourself but this week another piece of music that I have used in meditation and I have had good feedback from others on it. See ‘Recommended’ page.


Last month I printed Kirsty’s “A Time for Celebration, Reflection or Doing?” 
Here is Kirsty’s comment for the year ahead.

What kind of a year did you have?  Has it been a year full of wonderful things or has it been very challenging?  Remember that each situation we face can be a positive or negative experience depending on how we chose to react to it. Every situation has a lesson in it if we are prepared to look for it and learn from it. Often a difficult experience can be turned into a positive one.  It can be used by us to help someone in the future, as we will have gained greater wisdom from it. 
We can thank God for bringing us through another year safely and as we leave 2011 and its challenges behind, it is time to ask God for the guidance and strength we will need to take those brave steps forward into the challenges that 2012 will hold for us.
Have a good new year.

 Careless Talk Causes So Much Distress

My research work ended as it began, a couple being frightened out of their wits by unfounded and unsubstantiated nonsense.
I have mentioned a similar case in an earlier blog and this is the seventh case of its kind I have been asked to deal with.  The latest goes as follows; -
A Couple moves into an old building and renovate it.  They are proud of their new home until the morning after their house warming party.  One of their guests of the previous evening phones to say; -
I did not want to say anything last night – but your house is full of ghosts – I felt so uncomfortable all night.  You’d better get that seen too before the trouble starts”.
Many would laugh off such comments and get on with their lives but not this couple, the bubble had burst on the love they felt for their new home.  They had been planning to start a family but now felt they could not bring a baby into the house till they got this ‘ghost situation’ sorted out.
When I visited the house I felt the atmosphere in the house was pleasant, as pleasant as the new décor.  I soon found out the pair were perfectly happy staying in the house for the six months they were renovation it, and it was only after the comment from their friend (?) that they felt nasty vibes around the house.  Every cushion out of place and every little noise made them feel uncomfortable.
But the couple was not happy with my comments, that I detected no spirit or anything untoward in the building.  I tried to point out to them that they were so in love with their new home, felt nothing out of place, till the phone call from their so-called friend but they believed more in their friends comments than mine.  Our friend definitely sensed ghosts and she is experienced in this sort of thing”.  I left as a failure in the couple’s eyes.  They went on to contact a ‘ghost hunter’ and someone who does ‘house clearances’ as far as ghosts are concerned. 
In the past in similar circumstances I have arranged through a third-party to get another medium to visit, one who would not know me or anything surrounding their visit.  But this couple would not allow me to set this in motion.
Why should a house because it is centuries old have any nasty happenings going on?  TV has a lot to answer for and so does those who speak out of turn as in this case.


“Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every “superstar” , every “supreme leader “, every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.”

Professor Carl Sagan.

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