Eddie Docherty...
....Eddie Docherty....
The 21st of this month was the fifth anniversary of the passing of one of the most popular mediums in west/central Scotland and also Australia, Eddie Docherty. Eddie passed a month before his 58th birthday. The words “A great ambassador for Spirit” is often used these days, Eddie earned that title with his tireless work for Spirit and giving comfort to those who came to him for help. Eddie was very ill at the end of his life but strove so hard to fulfil his bookings at churches for as long as he could.
It was my sixth visit to a Spiritualist church when I first saw Eddie on the platform. He was not alone, at that time he shared the platform with Len Alleyne, Len giving the address and Eddie the clairvoyance. Although I had been impressed with all the mediums I had seen, on the platform, this night were two very special gentlemen. Before that night I had looked on those who could communicate with Spirit as being magical and mystical yet here were two very ordinary people who were so down to earth. And what impressed me even more was that after the Service, Eddie and Len sat in the kitchen with the rest of the congregation. Up to this point all the mediums I had seen, disappeared to a room with the committee for their cup of tea.
Len, I believe hailed from Barbados and had served in the R.A.F. This jolly man sadly passed away within a couple of years of me meeting him and Eddie found himself alone on the platform. Both men had complimented each other very well, to the delight of congregations. This was around the time when I was starting out taking services at our churches and there is one evening I will never forget.
I was booked to take a service at a church, and on the way there I dropped in at the church I was a member of, for a few moments. It was dark and as I approached the church I saw Eddie, but not the Eddie I had come to know. This was one of the few times I had seen him with no smile on his face and he was shaking like a leaf. I asked him what was wrong and he said that having to do an address on his own really was getting to him, he missed Len. I immediately said “Eddie, here is me worrying about my prayers, address and clairvoyance, you have made me feel so much better seeing you of all people in such a state.” I worried about my comments for a long time afterwards; I felt I had been really out of place. It was many years later that I mentioned this to Eddie and he said he also remembered that night. He had not thought my words were out of place, infact they had inspired him to get over his fear of addresses.
Eddie had a dream, a dream that was fulfilled on Sunday 15th July 2001, which was the first night The Friendship of Love and Light Spiritualist Church opened its doors. This was not just to be a church, but a church that was fun loving and would raise money to put back into the community. This was a great day for Eddie as he had finally made his dream a reality. Eddie lived for his church and the Spiritualist movement; he was truly a great medium. He always aimed to bring help and comfort to many people from all walks of life, whether it was through his gifts of the spirit or that cheeky smile that he so often adorned.
Sadly, only a few years after Eddie’s dream materialised his health started to fail, but not before this church was a little oasis for all who needed help. It was fitting that the cremation service was taken by a medium, church member and friend, Paul Erroch. The big turnout was no surprise as Eddie had touched the life of so many people
Eddie’s church is in good hands and President Doreen Polson, along with the committe members, Annette Lavelle, Linda Walker, Kathleen McGinty, Mary McDonald, Sandra Patterson, Anne and David McAlpine.
Rather than me prattling on I felt it right to let others who knew Eddie, have their say too.
Maureen Brown – “Eddie was a legend; he will always be missed....
Sandra Patterson – “I joined the circle after Eddie had passed but was fortunate to meet him at the night Maryhill had for him (to send him and his sister Maureen away for a wee holiday) even although I didn't sit in his circle, I do know he's there on a Sunday and feel his presence often and know he is a lovely soul."
Linda Walker – “Eddie was an inspirational teacher; he loved to watch as natural talents progressed and developed, as we learned to tune in and to work with spirit. He was the most unassuming person, in respect of his mediumship, he worked for spirit. As a person, he was like everyone else, human, he was our best friend,”
Jojo Carr – “He was always there when I was down, he taught me right from wrong, but most of all he taught me what I know today. I love and miss you Eddie, more than words can say."
John Beattie – “Eddie had his own unique way of working & was a really nice guy who would help anyone. He h ad a lot of respect from all churches.”
Caroline Blair – "I would like to say that Eddie was a inspiration by answering all the questions I had about spiritualism. He also told me about A.S.K. Dreghorn, so I thank him from the bottom of my heart for the spiritual journey that he helped me find.
Bob Macintosh – “Although I didn’t get to know Eddie Docherty as well as I’d like to have done, I have several happy memories of chairing a service for Eddie, when he was giving a demonstration of mediumship. I remember Eddie Docherty as a worker who was respectful of those he worked with – on both sides of life - a man who knew exactly when and when not to use humour when working the platform – a true inspiration."
Sadly for us pancreatic cancer called Eddie to the Spirit World. Not to be thwarted from his new position on the other side of the veil – he still managed to get a message through to several of us who were blessed to be sitting in an open circle that evening. I will always remember Eddie Docherty with fondness, as a tireless worker and terrific ambassador to our movement – may his soul find everlasting peace, joy and contentment.”
Kerry New – “I sadly never had the chance to meet Eddie; I think he passed over just before I came into the Spiritualist movement, 4 years ago. However, I have attended the last 2 "specials" to celebrate his life at the church he founded at Foxbar and it’s obvious that the people there love him very much.”
Angela Hodgkinson – “In a few words I would say Eddie was a great man and a true ambassador for spiritualism.”
Stephanie Roy – “He was an inspiration to everyone he met and a genuine ambassador for Spirit”.
Ellen McCann – “Eddie was one of the best people who cared for others and he didn’t know how much people’s hearts he touch in all the years he was in the movement and he was loved by everyone”.
Jacqueline Coleman – “I only had the pleasure of meeting Eddie a few times but he seemed to me a man with a big heart,”
Sarah Wood – “I heard a lot about Eddie when I was at Caroline’s church, she thought very highly of him and I see from Facebook how much he was respected by all who knew him”.
Mary McDonald – “He was a very nice loving man, our Eddie, l miss him loads and a great worker for Spirit. God bless him.”
Margaret Jamieson - “Eddie is so sadly missed.”
The above comments show how much respect that others had for Eddie, once he touched your life, you never forgot him.
Eddie never wrote a book, but how many mediums who become authors, will be remembered like this, once the reader has read the last page of the book?
Eddie’s name never appeared in bright lights above a theatre, but how many mediums that travel the theatre circuit will be remembered five years after the curtain comes down?
Eddie, a good friend, missed by all.
Annette Lavelle, a good friend to Eddie and on the church committee has had several of her poems on this site, so this time I thought I would give another committee member and someone new to Spiritual poetry, Sandra Patterson a chance. See Poetry page...
Also Linda Walker, the Churches’ Psychic Artist has two of her drawings on the photograph’s page.
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