Last week I said that I would leave the info about Kirkcaldy Spiritualist Church to this week. Here it is; -
President Lyn Redpath and the committee put a lot of hard work into making this Centre a success. Their weekly programme is as follows.Sunday: Divine Service 6pm - Healing is available after the service
Monday: Evening of Mediumship 7.30pm
Thursday: Awareness circle - 7pm till 8.30pm.
Private sittings can be arranged must be booked in advance.
They also have an excellent website; - www.kdysc.moonfruit.comWhat the discussion ended up mainly about on Wednesday evening was “What will it be like in the Spirit World?" and "Do animals apart from pets go to the Spirit World
I don't know exactly what will meet me and I will wait and have a pleasant surprise. I am sure that all species on earth will be there and that we will have to toe the line in giving all species more respect than we do on Planet Earth... These days man looks on himself as the most intelligent creature on this planet but is that not arrogant and self-
In many respects we (mankind) have lost our way and the strain is telling on our planet. We concrete over more and more land each year and then wonder why we have floods. Where is the water to go?
Each year we see the rise in the use of fertilisers and pesticides, and then we wonder why numbers of other species are falling. We have had a scare recently, the dramatic fall in the number of honey bees around the world. That stark warning, that without this busy little creature, man will eventually fail to exist does has not put the brakes on our wanting more and more at the expense of the flora and fauna of our planet.
There are those in our society today that worships the fastest racehorse, the bull that's offspring produce more meat or milk that any other, but at the same time look on hare coursing as a sport. The humble hare which would harm no one is looked upon as an object for sport and pleasure.
I am sure that all who respect all that is on Planet Earth will progress in the Spirit World at a faster rate than those who disregard the importance of all that we have on this planet.
One charity that I have supported over the years is The Brooke. An international animal welfare organization dedicated to improving the lives of working horses, donkeys and mules in some of the world's poorest communities. The provide treatment, training and programmes around animal health and wellbeing, operating across Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Even if one does not wish to donate to this organization I am sure you will be fascinated by the wonderful work they do. Details can be found on
I hope to have a different poem and new photos on the site each week starting from next week.
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