Monday, 21 March 2011

13/3/11 - After the AGM at Glasgow Spiritualist Association it was down the M77 to Kilmarnock Spiritualist Church (SNU) for the Divine Service.  There was a heavy downpour just as those going to attend the church would be thinking of leaving home, but that did not deter them as there was a good attendance.  Next time I am at the Church I must ask the committee if I can take a photograph of their amazing stain glass window and put it on this site for you all to see.
On Wednesday as I made my way to the Culmodden Drive Spiritualist Church, Maryhill, a hazardous journey in dodging pothole after pothole on the road, missing them all but the largest... grrr .  Has the Glasgow City Council Road’s department forgotten all about this part of the city?      But it was worth it as there is always a friendly welcome awaiting all who enter the doors of this church.  Angela (President) made an interesting comment while we were having a cup of tea.  It was about how the Japanese people in the areas of their country stricken by the massive earthquake and tsunami, were all pulling together and helping each other.  There were no media reports of looting that usually follows such disasters. 
Maybe the world would be a better place if we all took a more general sense of social responsibility that's very fundamental to Japan.  Part of that is self-regulation on the part of individuals; part of it is a society in which people are very conscious of their reputations in the eyes of their neighbours.  I have a friend in Japan and I have always been amazed at the high sense of responsibility she has to keep up the good name of her family, community and country. 
On Saturday I travelled to the SNU church in Albany Street, Edinburgh, for the Scottish and Irish District Council’s AGM.  Although this DC covers a wide area it would be nice to see a few more members attend this meeting and getting into meaningful discussion on how we can promote our religion as a religion, separating it from so much that seems to pushing towards entertainment and commercial business. 

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