Sunday, 30 January 2011


A new year and a new coat of paint for Glasgow Central Spiritualist Church courtesy of Billy Robertson who has put a lot of hard work into the maintenance of this church over the years.   Billy, Betty Hutton, Billy Milligan, Lily, Mabel, May and other hard working members of the committee keep this church open four days a week.  All three services this week were well attended.
I was intending to add a different poem each week but I have decided to leave Annette Lavelle’s “   “for another week.  The reason for this is that Annette is about to have a small book of poems published next month and next week I will give details of where this book will be on sale.
After six weeks of severe winter weather we are maybe getting a bit complacent and thinking that winter is over, but in the past February used to be the worst of the winter months in this area.  But I saw snowdrops in bloom the other day and that is a welcome sign.
The snowdrops remind me of a story a friend told me a few years ago. She was recovering from a serious
Illness and looking out of her window one morning she saw her first snowdrops of the year.  Only four, but
It gave her so much pleasure as she was feeling sorry for herself that morning.
All of a sudden a neighbour’s little girl appeared in her garden and started to pick the snowdrops.  Anne opened the door and shouted to the girl to come back then told her off for picking the flowers.  She was floored by the little girl’s explanation. “I only took one and it was for my Nan who I am going to visit in hospital this afternoon, and I left 2p on your doorstep step for the flower.”  As Anne looked down, there were three snowdrops still blowing in the wind and two-pence on the doorstep.

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