Tuesday, 21 July 2015

My Diary ... The International Medium ... Hunger ... A nasty protest ... Forthcoming events at Kilmarnock Spiritualist Church SNU ...

My Diary...


10th – It is always an enjoyable visit to the Coatbridge Spiritualist Church.  This church has been on the go from the mid 1940s and still going strong.

11th – Kilmarnock Spiritualist Church.  ** More about up and coming events at the church further down the blog**

20th – Another class at the Glasgow Association of “Understanding your psychic abilities”.

22nd / 26th – I attended the Glasgow Association and during that time I took a workshop, four services and private sittings.

28th – My furthest journey of the month to the Arbroath Spiritualist Church. (SNU)  It was a lovely warm evening but that  did not stop a good attendance.


6th/7th – Aberdeen Bon Accord Spiritual Church (SNU) Where I had a busy two days with a workshop, a lecture and two services.

10th - Saw the last of my four classes on “Understanding your psychic abilities” at the Glasgow Association.  Thanks to all who attended.

11th – It was a real pleasure to help out at Kilmarnock Church’s (SNU) Open Day in aid of Touched by Suicide.  The sum raised  was £915.

21st – I was over in the Kingdom of Fife taking the divine service at Dunfermline Spiritualist Church. 

22nd -  Pollockshaws and District Church in the Langside Halls Glasgow.  This church has been running for close on 40-years and has been of great service to the local community.   Recently numbers have been dropping so why not give this church some support.  But, hold on the church is closed till the first Monday in August... 

                                             The International Medium

Constantly I get a drip, drip of emails concerning the subject of International Mediums.  Here are a few; -

“What are your views on those mediums who want to be billed as International mediums?”  LB.

“A church may announce that the medium who is taking the service is from say Germany, but surely not as an International?” M

A medium freelancing can call themselves what they like, but I find it out of place when a church advertises or announces a medium as an International medium?”  Blair.

A Spiritual Medium links with another dimension and relays messages from there to love-ones here,  a wonderful achievement uniting the two worlds.  Adding “International” only means that they have stepped over a man-made line drawn in the sand.  I don’t think Spirit recognizes International borders. 

In sport an International whatever is picked as the best in that country at their particular sport.  With mediums it is that you have been recommended, noticed, or happen to be in another country and a church becomes aware that you are there.  Not all mediums who work abroad use the “International” title.  I know of two who were extremely angry when “International” was used in their introduction.  Both male mediums of the old-school said it went against all they had worked for in the service of spirit.


When we think of hunger we think of that happening in other countries not here in the UK, even though so many are using food banks in this country these days.  The other night a young gentleman approached me showing me some coins in his hand.  He asked if I could please add seventy-pence so he could buy something to eat.  As I had only minutes to catch a bus I said “sorry” and walked on.  Already that day I had given to two people begging in the street so I did not feel guilty.  Yet, something made me stop and miss the bus.

I looked back at the young man he did not look under the influence of drink or drugs he was shabbily dressed, but clean.  Putting my hand in my pocket I found that the coins I had added up to exactly 70p.  So, I took it as a sign that I had done right to miss my bus and give the young man the coins.  As we walked along the road together he said that being homeless was terrible to cope with, but having an empty stomach was hell on earth.  He went on to say that he was not going to buy trash food, but something that was good for the body and left me at the entrance to a Sainsbury’s store.  I was interested in what he was going to buy and out he came with yoghurts.

I will not forget the look on that young man’s face when I  I hope that things are now looking up for him.  This is not the first time I have heard a homeless person say that hunger is harder to bear
 than being homeless.


What should have been a special day for the members of a newly-formed Christian Spiritualist Church in England turned out to be a very upsetting time to say the least.  Their first service in new premises with invited guests included the Mayor, Mayoress, representatives of the local council and local MP was marred by an unsavoury protest.  The church committee had also invited three other local churches, two apologised for not being able to attend as they were already running their own services at that time   The third refused and said they intended to protest on the day.

Protest they did  ... It is alleged they formed a human chain and accused the Spiritualists of being devil worshipers who were corrupting ignorant and uneducated minds.  It was not only church goers who fell foul of this mob, but others visiting the building for other purposes...  It was reported  that a really vile comment was made to a pregnant lady, who was visiting the building at the time..   It says a lot for the committee after having had to put up with such a situation that they still invited the protesters into the church service to experience what we are all about...  Needless to say they refused.

The following evening another protest and the police attended the scene. 
This time the police took an interest into it being a potentially a religious hate crime. After a discussion with both parties no further action was taken.     I suppose the correct action to take for the sake of peace in the community ... but should it happen again........

At least local dignitaries experienced the love and reverence of a Spiritual service and were able to compare it with the wrath of another religion.

                           Forthcoming events at Kilmarnock Spiritualist Church SNU>

I will be taking a series of 4 workshops on “Understanding Your Psychic Abilities” at Kilmarnock Spiritual Church on 13th, 20th, 27th August and 10th September.  Admission free... 


The highlight of the Spiritual year in Ayrshire is The Kilmarnock Experience held in Kilmarnock Spiritualist Church (SNU) 7th – 9th August.
This year sharing their wealth of knowledge is  Stansted Tutor Paul Jacobs and Linda Bennett CSNU.   Friday evening there is a double demonstration of mediumship, Saturday workshops from 10.00am-4.30pm, Saturday evening 7.00pm The John Findlay lecture, followed by a double demonstration of mediumship, Sunday 10.00-4.30pm workshops, and to close the weekend both these wonderful mediums will be taking our divine service. Bookings are now being taken at the church, or call 07988688620. The cost of this weekend will be £75; there are tickets available for part of the seminar