I took the Divine Service on both Sundays, the development circle on Monday, and Wednesday evening’s clairvoyance. It was privileged to take part in the Healing Service on the Thursday evening. There were also private sittings Monday to Friday.
Shellie Nicholl, Robert Lewis, Dorothy Byrne, Collette Diamond, Pat James, , Debbie Griffin, Michelle Mc IIhatton, Samantha Dodds and Healing Leader Joanne Maguire are all part of a hard working committee that make this church so vibrant and successful. I apologise if I have missed out any committee members.
The church is considering starting a Lyceum, like a Sunday school.
“This event has been organised to raise money for Cold Cots for all maternity Wards in hospitals through N.I. My little nephew Marcus was born sleeping on 27th May & thankfully the Ulster had a cold cot, which meant our little angel could stay with his mummy for the duration of her time in hospital, but not all hospitals have them. When we raise enough for the first cold cot, we will be giving it to the Ulster.”
There is also a theory that Christ was born in 4BC so the Mayan’s and Nostradamus’s 2012 was actually 2008AD. So another end of the world prediction has come and gone.
We have a media these days that needs sensationalism in every story. Nothing will sell more newspapers or get more people watching TV than articles and programmes about the end of the world. This causes panic among vulnerable people. Only the other day standing in a newsagent I heard several old people comment with concern about the headline in a national daily newspaper. They were worried about heating their homes as in bold print we were told to expect snow next month. Then on reading further down that heavy or moderate falls COULD be with us as early as October OR November.
The world’s climate has always been changing with man and beast having to adapt to survive. So far many species have managed this with success. In recent years we have seen climate change speeding up because of man’s abuse of the planet. . But even the most negative warnings about climate change do not predict the end of life as we know it in 2012. Hopefully governments will speed up their plans for cutting pollution and the global warming will have a lesser impact that was once feared.
Next year there will natural disasters like we have every year and let’s hope the media will not go overboard in sensationalising that this is the start of the end of the world as we know it.